
These are the technologies I master. Some of these I have not touched in the last year. I first touched C and C++ back in 2014. It was my main language until 2016, then I started learning Java and Python through the University. I have later used C# in a few projects, in both website heavy projects and an embedded project. In the recent years I have mainly done Web development with Javascript, React, Vue and Angular.


  • Javascript
  • Java
  • Python
  • Golang
  • C#
  • C/C++

Web technologies


  • React
  • Svelte
  • Vue


  • Django
  • Flask
  • Sanic


  • Gin Gonic
  • Gorilla
  • Hugo


  • Spring

Other technologies

In late 2020 I started on a journey to learn more about mobile development. In fact, I made my first ever Dart mobile application. I have some previous knowledge about Android studio and a short course on React native, but that’s it. I think 2021 is the year when I complete a full project that would be native for mobiles. I already have an idea!
Why would one like to have a mobile application in 2021? TODO: Write a blog post about this :)